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Exhibitions and other events are important times for sharing that culminate the pleasure of creating. For interested visitors, I propose live demonstration sessions to illustrate some highlights in the building stages of a new “Âmes” (soul).

For puppet fans, I regularly organize some workshops with dedicated focus. If you have a particular interest for some building technics, please do not hesitate to send me an e-mail. And, to miss nothing of the “Ames Imaginaires” happening connect on http://facebook.com/ames.imaginaires



■  November 2016

Organization of a workshop “conception and building of a foam sculpted table top Puppet” in Paris.

2 possibilities corresponding to 2 different types of buiding ( 6 days for group A and 8 days for group B)


■ June 2016

Organization of a 6 days workshop in Paris : “building of realistic head and hands for professional puppet”


March 2016

Organization of a 10 days workshop in Paris : “building of a string puppet”


■ July 2015

Organization of a 6 days workshop in Paris : “building of a foam sculpted table top Puppet” Type A


■ June 2015

Organization of a 6 days workshop in Paris : “building of realistic head and hands for professional puppet”


■ March 2015

Organization of a 10 days workshop in Paris : “building of a string puppet”


■ October 2014

Kid workshop “Puppets and Opera” in Epinay Sous Sénart with a group of kids aged 6th to 9th years 5 (Animation in duet with the company des Petites Lunes).


■ July  2014

Organization of a 6 days workshop in Paris : “building of realistic head and hands for professional puppet”


■ April 2014

Organization of a 10 days workshop in Paris : “building of a string puppet”


■ February 2014

Organization of a 6 days workshop in Paris : “conception and building of a foam sculpted table top Puppet”


■ October 2013

Publication of the Book "Les Marionnettes" of Yves Delpuech in the publishing (editions) the Neva giving a wide echo to the Ames Imaginaires  (on sale on amazon.fr)

■ October 2013

Organization of a 6 days workshop in Paris : “building of a string puppet"


■ September 2013

Exhibitor at the 17th « Festival International des Théâtres de Marionnettes” of Charleville-Mézières.

■ July 2013

Organization of a 6 days workshop in Paris : “conception and building of a foam sculpted table top Puppet”


■ April 2013

Exhibition « Puppets’ secrets » at the Cultural Center “l’Estran” in Binic (Brittany) as part of the 15th festival “les Marionnet’ic”.

■ March 2013

Organization of a 6 days workshop in Paris : “building of a string puppet"


■ September 2012

Organization of a 6 days workshop in Paris : “conception and building of a foam sculpted table top Puppet”


■ March 2012

Organization of a 6 days workshop in Paris : “conception and building of a foam sculpted table top Puppet”


■ September 2011

Exhibitor at the 15th « Festival International des Théâtres de Marionnettes” of Charleville-Mézières.

■ April 2011

Exhibition « Art Essence» in the Parisian Bookshop “le Merle Moqueur”

■ September 2010

Dreamlike air installation « la respiration des âmes » (litterally : the breath of souls) in the « Square de la Roquette » as part of the event « Génie des Jardins  2010» (Paris)

■  July 2010

Exhibition  « Ainsi naissent les Âmes imaginaires … » (litterally : This is how Imaginary souls are born) at the Jean Beauchet center in Forges les Eaux (Normandy) as part of the 10th puppet festival « Juillet en fête ».


■  April 2010

Exhibition «l’art dans tous ses éclats » (litterally : Art in its many brightnesses) in the «  Maison des associations du 11ème « (Paris).


■  February 2010

Participation in the «  salon des métiers d’art du 11ème » (Paris)


■  November 2009

Exhibition « Ainsi naissent les Âmes imaginaires… » (litterally : This is how Imaginary souls are born) at the Media Library in Arques   (Pas de Calais) as part of the puppet festival “les p’tites ficelles”.


■  September 2009

Exhibitor at the 15th « Festival Mondial des Théâtres de Marionnettes » of Charleville-Mézières


■  March 2008

Participation in the 2nd annual « Salon des arts associés » of Vitry-Sur-Seine.


■  July 2007

Exhibition « Âmes imaginaires, la vie suspendue… » (litterally : imaginary souls, the suspended life) at the Jean Bauchet Center in Forges-les-Eaux (Normandy) as part of the puppet festival “ juillet en Fête”.

  May 2007

Exhibition « Âmes imaginaires, la vie suspendue… » (litterally : imaginary souls, the suspended life) at the Cultural Center “l’Estran” in Binic (Brittany) as part of the 9th festival “les Marionnet’ic”.
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